Monday, 14 March 2011

How to Transform and Filter data in datastage

It's a very common situation and a good practice to design data stage jobs in which data flow goes in the following way:

EXTRACT SOURCE -It's a very common situation and a good practice to design datastage jobs in which data flow goes in the following way:

The data refining, validation and mapping part of the process is mainly handled by a transformer stage. Transformer stage doesn't extract or write data to a target database. It handles extracted data, performs conversions, mappings, validations, passes values and controls the data flow.
Transformer stages can have any number of input and output links. Input links can be primary or reference (used for lookups) and there can only be one primary input and any number of reference inputs.
Please refer to the examples below to find out what is the use of transformers.
In the job design depicted below there is a typical job flow implemented. The job is used for loading customers into the datawarehouse. The data is extracted from an ODBC data source, then filtered, validated and refined in the first transformer. Rejected (not validated) records are logged into a sequential file. The second transformer performs a lookup (into a country dictionary hash file) and does some other data mappings. The data is loaded into an Oracle database.
Design of a common datastage job with validations and mapping

Design of a simple transformer

Design of a sample transformer with data filter and reject flow

The data refining, validation and mapping part of the process is mainly handled by a transformer stage. Transformer stage doesn't extract or write data to a target database. It handles extracted data, performs conversions, mappings, validations, passes values and controls the data flow.
Transformer stages can have any number of input and output links. Input links can be primary or reference (used for lookups) and there can only be one primary input and any number of reference inputs.
Please refer to the examples below to find out what is the use of transformers.
In the job design depicted below there is a typical job flow implemented. The job is used for loading customers into the datawarehouse. The data is extracted from an ODBC data source, then filtered, validated and refined in the first transformer. Rejected (not validated) records are logged into a sequential file. The second transformer performs a lookup (into a country dictionary hash file) and does some other data mappings. The data is loaded into an Oracle database.
Design of a common datastage job with validations and mapping

Design of a simple transformer

Design of a sample transformer with data filter and reject flow

SCD type 2 implementation in Datastage

Slowly changing dimension Type 2 is a model where the whole history is stored in the database. An additional dimension record is created and the segmenting between the old record values and the new (current) value is easy to extract and the history is clear.
The fields 'effective date' and 'current indicator' are very often used in that dimension and the fact table usually stores dimension key and version number.
SCD 2 implementation in Datastage
The job described and depicted below shows how to implement SCD Type 2 in Datastage. It is one of many possible designs which can implement this dimension.
For this example, we will use a table with customers data (it's name is D_CUSTOMER_SCD2) which has the following structure and data:
D_CUSTOMER dimension table before loading

Datastage SCD2 job design

The most important facts and stages of the CUST_SCD2 job processing:
• The dimension table with customers is refreshed daily and one of the data sources is a text file. For the purpose of this example the CUST_ID=ETIMAA5 differs from the one stored in the database and it is the only record with changed data. It has the following structure and data:
SCD 2 - Customers file extract:

• There is a hashed file (Hash_NewCust) which handles a lookup of the new data coming from the text file.
• A T001_Lookups transformer does a lookup into a hashed file and maps new and old values to separate columns.
SCD 2 lookup transformer

• A T002_Check_Discrepacies_exist transformer compares old and new values of records and passes through only records that differ.
SCD 2 check discrepancies transformer

• A T003 transformer handles the UPDATE and INSERT actions of a record. The old record is updated with current indictator flag set to no and the new record is inserted with current indictator flag set to yes, increased record version by 1 and the current date.
SCD 2 insert-update record transformer

• ODBC Update stage (O_DW_Customers_SCD2_Upd) - update action 'Update existing rows only' and the selected key columns are CUST_ID and REC_VERSION so they will appear in the constructed where part of an SQL statement.
• ODBC Insert stage (O_DW_Customers_SCD2_Ins) - insert action 'insert rows without clearing' and the key column is CUST_ID.
D_CUSTOMER dimension table after Datawarehouse refresh

How to perform a Lookup in Datastage

The data in Datastage can be looked up from a hashed file or from a database (ODBC/ORACLE) source. Lookups are always managed by the transformer stage.

A Hashed File is a reference table based on key fields which provides fast access for lookups. They are very useful as a temporary or non-volatile program storage area. An advantage of using hashed files is that they can be filled up with remote data locally for better performance.
To increase performance, hashed files can be preloaded into memory for fast reads and support write-caching for fast writes.

There are also situations where loading a hashed file and using it for lookups is much more time consuming than accessing directly a database table. It usually happens where there is a need to access more complex data than a simple key-value mapping, for example what the data comes from multiple tables, must be grouped or processed in a database specific way. In that case it's worth considering using ODBC or Oracle stage.
Please refer to the examples below to find out what is the use of lookups in Datastage
In the transformer depicted below there is a lookup into a country dictionary hash file. If a country is matched it is written to the right-hand side column, if not - a "not found" string is generated.

Design of a datastage transformer with lookup

In the job depicted below there is a sequential file lookup, linked together with a hash file which stores the temporary data.
Sequential file lookup